The table have multiple types depending on the data you want to show, later you will se every head type and its description but now look at this three example
const list = [{_id: '1',name: 'userName1',family:{father:'Jose'},array:[10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1],color: '#4392f1',img:"img1.jpeg",active:false,phone:1560561406,amount:550,date:new Date(),linkName:'Paginate',link:'/paginate',number:123,},{_id: '2',name: 'userName2',family:{father:'Antonio'},array:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],color:'#dc493a',img:'img2.jpeg',active:true,phone:1560561406,amount:720,date:new Date(),linkName:'Modal',link:'/modal',number:456,}];
function MyApp() {const head = [{field: 'name', label: 'Name'},{field: 'family.father', label: 'Father'},{field: 'array', label: 'array', type: 'array',w:'200px'},{field: 'color', label: 'color', type: 'color'},{field: 'color', label: 'colorLabel', type: 'colorLabel'},{field: 'active', label: 'icon-true/false', type: 'icon-true/false', size: '16px'},{field: 'phone', label: 'phone', type: 'phone',w:'150px'},{field: 'date', label: 'date', type: 'date'},{field: 'name', label: 'label+func', type: 'label+func', func: ()=>alert('hola')},];return <Tablelist={list}head={head}/>}
function MyApp() {const head = [{field: 'img', label: 'img', type: 'img',size:'sm', w:'50px'},{field: 'img', label: 'avatar', type: 'avatar', w:'70px'},{field: 'img', label: 'img+label', type: 'img+label', title:'name', w:'150px'},{field: 'linkName', label: 'internal-link', type: 'internal-link', link: 'link'},{field: 'linkName', label: 'link', type: 'link', link: 'link'},{field: 'amount', label: 'currency', type: 'currency'},{field: 'number', label: 'Number', type: 'number'}];return <Tablelist={list}head={head}/>}
function MyApp() {const ItemBadge = (row) => <Box><Badge>{row.name}</Badge></Box>const head = [{label: 'Component', type: 'component',component: ItemBadge}]return <Tablelist={list}head={head}/>}
Note: you could add w
(width) to any head type to adjust the width of the column
Allow to show number variables without parse them to String
{field: 'exp', label: 'experience', type: 'number'}
img / avatar
Show an Image with a custom size
size: type String, default:'32px'
{field: 'logo', label: 'logo', type: 'img', size: '32px'}
Show an array
array of Strings
{field: 'rolesIds', label: 'roles', type: 'array'}
Show just the color in a box
an String with a hexadecimal color
{field: 'color', label: 'color', type: 'color'}
Show a label with the hexadecimal color and add to it that color
an String with a hexadecimal color
{field: 'color', label: 'color', type: 'colorLabel'}
Show a check icon if the field is true and if the field is false shows and X
boolean value, size: type String default:'32px'
{field: 'active', label: 'active', type: 'icon-true/false', size: '16px'}
Parse the value as a phone number
{field: 'myPhone', label: 'Phone', type: 'phone'}
To show values in date format
format: type String default: “MM/DD//YY“
{field: 'date', label: 'Date', type: 'date'
Show a normal field but with a click action
func: Function who will be execute onClick
{field: 'name', label: 'class', type: 'label+func', func: sayHELLO}
Shows an Image and a text next to it
size: type String, default:'32px', img:image link
{field: 'name', label: 'class', type: 'img+label', img: 'logo'}
Use the internal routing system to redirect to other pages
link: Is the link of the new page
{field: 'DashBoard', label: 'link', type: 'internal-link', link: '/dashboard'}
Redirect to an external or internal link
link: Is the link of the new page
{field: 'linkName', label: 'link', type: 'link', link: 'link'}
Add custom component to the row
{ label: 'Component', type: 'component', component:'ReactComponent'}